zabbix agent2 安装配置

zabbix agent2 安装

参考 ,根据实际使用版本及服务器版本进行选择,这里以zabbix6.0+Centos7为例


# rpm -Uvh
# yum clean all

b.安装zabbix agent2客户端

# yum install zabbix-agent2 zabbix-agent2-plugin-*

c.运行zabbix agent2并设置自启动

# systemctl restart zabbix-agent2
# systemctl enable zabbix-agent2


配置zabbix agent2监控端口


# firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=10050/tcp --permanent


# systemctl restart firewalld


# firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports


修改zabbix agent2配置文件

# vim /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agent2.conf
### Option: Server
#       List of comma delimited IP addresses, optionally in CIDR notation, or DNS names of Zabbix servers and Zabbix proxies.
#       Incoming connections will be accepted only from the hosts listed here.
#       If IPv6 support is enabled then '', '::', '::ffff:' are treated equally
#       and '::/0' will allow any IPv4 or IPv6 address.
#       '' can be used to allow any IPv4 address.
#       Example: Server=,,::1,2001:db8::/32,
# Mandatory: yes
# Default:
# Server=

Server=zabbix server的ip
### Option: ServerActive
#       Zabbix server/proxy address or cluster configuration to get active checks from.
#       Server/proxy address is IP address or DNS name and optional port separated by colon.
#       Cluster configuration is one or more server addresses separated by semicolon.
#       Multiple Zabbix servers/clusters and Zabbix proxies can be specified, separated by comma.
#       More than one Zabbix proxy should not be specified from each Zabbix server/cluster.
#       If Zabbix proxy is specified then Zabbix server/cluster for that proxy should not be specified.
#       Multiple comma-delimited addresses can be provided to use several independent Zabbix servers in parallel. Spaces are allowed.
#       If port is not specified, default port is used.
#       IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in square brackets if port for that host is specified.
#       If port is not specified, square brackets for IPv6 addresses are optional.
#       If this parameter is not specified, active checks are disabled.
#       Example for Zabbix proxy:
#               ServerActive=
#       Example for multiple servers:
#               ServerActive=,zabbix.domain,[::1]:30051,::1,[12fc::1]
#       Example for high availability:
#               ServerActive=zabbix.cluster.node1;zabbix.cluster.node2:20051;zabbix.cluster.node3
#       Example for high availability with two clusters and one server:
#               ServerActive=zabbix.cluster.node1;zabbix.cluster.node2:20051,zabbix.cluster2.node1;zabbix.cluster2.node2,zabbix.domain
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# ServerActive=

ServerActive=zabbix server的ip
### Option: Hostname
#       List of comma delimited unique, case sensitive hostnames.
#       Required for active checks and must match hostnames as configured on the server.
#       Value is acquired from HostnameItem if undefined.
# Mandatory: no
# Default:
# Hostname=




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